Honorary Membership

Ohio Family, Career and Community Leaders of America honors those professionals who give continued support to the state organization. The awardees model the mission statement by promoting personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences Education.

Friend of FCCLA Award

Each year thousands of Ohio Family, Career and Community Leaders of America members and advisers have opportunities to participate in experiential leadership development, career preparation and community engagement events. Our supporters allow for continued advancement of our organization, support for Family and Consumer Sciences Education and promote advisers to successfully prepare today’s students to be leaders of tomorrow’s society.

2024 Recipient: American Dairy Association Mideast

Spirit of Advising Award

The Ohio Family, Career and Community Leaders of America Spirit of Advising Award recognizes one adviser who consistently demonstrate excellence in modeling FCCLA character and integrity to ensure the success of their students within their classroom and career. The dedication and support to Family and Consumer Sciences Education, youth leadership and the FCCLA organization allows FCCLA to be the Ultimate Leadership Experiences.

Master Adviser

Recognizes advisers who have been successful in advising a chapter for a minimum of three years, promoted the organization, operated an integrated chapter with a balanced program of work, facilitated youth-centered activities, and kept abreast of new happenings with the organization.

Adviser Mentor

Recognizes advisers who have been successful in achieving Master Adviser Recognition, devoted two years to new adviser assistance, assumed adult leadership roles in FCCLA, conducted adviser workshops, attended training workshops and used national and state FCCLA resources.